Feeding Baby Solids at 45 Months

Introducing solid foods to babies for the first time is a daunting task for all parents. It is a major milestone in a kid's life, so it is obvious for parents to be swamped with questions related to their nutrition and feeding habits. As the baby grows, their body's requirement for nutrition increases, which cannot be met by breast milk and formula milk. Giving them solid food packed with iron and other nutrition can help them grow and build their immunity. As per Dr Meena J, Consultant Paediatrics and Neonatology, Aakash Healthcare Super Speciality Hospital, Dwarka introducing solids also helps babies to learn to eat, giving them an experience of new tastes and textures from a range of foods. Besides, it can also help to develop their teeth and jaws. She answered some important questions related to giving solid foods to kids that may help you feed your baby correctly.
When to introduce solid foods?
According to Dr Meena, infants are ready for solid food by 4 to 6 months of age. However, they should not be given solids before 6 as it can lead to allergy. Even introducing solid after 8 months is not an ideal option as it can lead to nutrient deficiencies in kids. "Ideally, 6 to 7 months is the right age to introduce solid foods to kids," she said.

When, what and how to introduce solid foods to babies

What to give your babies?
The biggest confusion of all is what to give to your baby. Dr Meena recommends that single cereal baby food is the perfect option for the 6 months old. You can either give them homemade food or the cereals available in the market. Both are good options and are nutritious. "Of all rice-based cereal is the best for 6 months old kids as it is easy to digest," said the expert. "After 7- 8 months switch to a more complex source of carbs like wheat," she added.

How much solid food should you feed them?
It is crucial to start slowly when you introduce new foods to your kids. Start with 1 teaspoon of cereals and see if your baby accepts it. If your baby accepts it, increase the quantity and number of feeds after 2-3 days. If he/she does not accept it and shows the symptoms of allergy like vomiting, loose stool, abdomen cramp or indigestion then visit your paediatrician. The paediatrician suggests that parents must feed their kids at proper timing and by the time their kids turn 1, they must have 3 meals and 2 snacks in a day.

What are the options for complementary feed?
If you are confused between homemade and commercial foods, then worry not both are good for your little one's health. Dr Meena explained that commercially available foods are a better option as they are fortified with vitamin A, D and Iron. But that does not mean that homemade foods should be avoided. Both should be included in your kid's diet.

"You can give your babies fruits and vegetables in pureed form as they are easy to digest," she suggested. Refined sweets and salt should be avoided and they must be given breastmilk or formula milk in the first year. Stopping breast milk and formula milk immediately after introducing solid may lead to nutrient deficiency.

How to start solid foods?
Before introducing solid food to your kids, look for the signs. Infants show the sign of being ready around six months. "Excessive saliva, taking interest in food or stagnant growth are some common signs," she suggests. Along with solid, introducing liquid food is also important. Buttermilk, coconut water or fruit juices are some good liquid options that you can introduce to your kids. Carbonated and packed juices should be avoided as they contain a lot of sugar and are not good for babies.

How to introduce a good feeding habit?
Not only starting solid but promoting good habits in kids is equally paramount. For that, you should always encourage your child to self-feed. "You may start doing this when your baby turns 7 to 8 months old. You can give them pureed food, cooked vegetables or baby food," the paediatrician suggested. In case your baby is not showing interest in food, consult your paediatrician.


Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/parenting/first-year/when-what-and-how-to-introduce-solid-foods-to-babies/articleshow/81784038.cms

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